Wash Away

I will be pitching my novel Wash Away on twitter tomorrow (#pitmad). Wash Away is a science fantasy satire, complete at 78,000 words. Mermaids meet artificial intelligences meet mutated beetles meet viral video meet corporate greed, all in the house that’s been abandoned by a deported mad scientist Russian spy anarcho-chemist, leaving her grandchildren Zenna and Alex scrabbling to feed themselves.

Grateful thanks to my beta readers and to my Lock Keeper Six writing group, who gave invaluable help in getting this story to shine. I’m eager to query any literary agents who may be interested.

“We now kill robots, not people,” chuckles Waelder Vunkstad, CEO of Fospey Industries, as he reports to the board that there are no longer any union issues at the factory because there are no longer any humans working there.

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